Thank you for expressing an interest in the Constitution Party. It is encouraging to hear from others who feel strongly enough about the future of New York to seek out the only political party that is committed to restoring constitutional limits to our government.
If you haven’t already, I suggest visiting our Party “Platform” to read how we stand on issues that are important to you. Each plank is listed in alphabetical order except the first one, “Sanctity of Life”. Please also note each plank is linked to an authorizing statement in this nation’s founding documents, Declaration, Constitution and the Bill of Rights. It is not one person’s belief or opinion.
Click here: Constitution Party Platform as adopted at the 2024 National Convention
My name is Gary Gunsher. I am the Constitution Party of New York Chairman. Feel free to contact me to see what is going on in New York and to consider officially joining the Constitution Party.
My phone is (716) 275-0877 and email is
It is our hope that you will decide to join ranks with us in this great task of restoring our Republic. Liberty is not only a blessing; it is a responsibility and a sacred trust. It is not only our right; it is our duty to remain free. The future of our children, grandchildren, and indeed the nation, depends on the commitment of concerned citizens like you.
With your help, we can bring a message of freedom, hope, and victory.
Together, for the cause of LIBERTY,
Gary Gunsher