Our Presidential Candidate

Randall Allan Terry / Activist, Author, Artist

Randall Allan Terry is the Founder of the anti-abortion group Operation Rescue. Mr. Terry led the largest peaceful civil disobedience in American history from 1987 to 1994. He’s been arrested 49 times, and spent more than one year in various federal, state, and local prisons.

Randall Terry is a Pro-Life Leader, Speaker, Musician and Author for 30 years. He has a master’s in Foreign Relations and International Terrorism. His speaking ability, his knowledge of history, his candor, and passion to train others makes him a lethal weapon to the enemies of God, and a vital teacher to those that wish to learn. He has made it his goal to raise up an Army of Righteous Leaders and activists.

His life has been threatened multiple times, requiring the intervention of law enforcement, and relocation for security reasons.

He is an internationally known TV guest, author, lecturer, filmmaker, talk show host, and musician.

Randall has been a guest on: Oprah, 60 Minutes, Meet the Press, Nightline, Hannity, Larry King Live, Good Morning America, 20/20, 48 Hours, TBN, Scarborough Country, Crossfire, Sonya Live, Donahue, Sally Jesse-Raphael, BBC, Italian Television, Niko Television, Telemundo, ABC World News Tonight, CBS News, and NBC News.

He has been featured in the New York Times, The Rolling Stone, The
Washington Post, The Washington Times, The Los Angeles Times, Time Magazine, Newsweek, US News & World Report, People Magazine, Roll Call, der Spiegel, Christianity Today, and most major newspapers in the United States.

Randall has spoken to conferences at the Vatican, Yale, Cornell, Southern Methodist University, Jerry Falwell’s Thomas Road Baptist Church, huge “Jesus festivals,” and much more.

He has a B.A. from the State University of New York in Communications, a theology degree from Elim Bible Institute, a B.A. from Whitfield College in Christian Studies, and a Masters Degree in Diplomacy and International Terrorism from Norwich University, one of the oldest military schools in America. Randall’s education has included an emphasis on Islamic terrorism. He has traveled extensively throughout the Middle East and studied at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

He is the author of 9 books with over 400,000 copies in print; the producer of a 14-part TV series on the history, philosophy and theology of social revolution in America; and a 20-part series, What Would Muhammad Do? Islamic Terrorism Explained. Other documentaries include A Cold Day In Hell (on the conversion of Norma McCorvey, the Jane Roe of Roe vs Wade); Pandemic, The Threshing of America, and Muhammad In His Own Words. His documentaries have aired in America and multiple nations around the world on various Christian television and satellite networks.

He is an accomplished musician with four albums of original music.

He has written and directed two-time travel movies, Time Boys (released in spring ’23) and Time Boys II (in postproduction.)

Mr. Terry, has been written about, lampooned, studied in many contemporary books, and written about in encyclopedias.  He brings a clarity and passion on the issues he addresses; he has been fired in the kiln of experience, controversy, and hardship.

Jesus said: “Blessed are you when men hate you, cast your name out as evil, say all manner of evil against you falsely; rejoice and leap for joy, great is your reward in heaven, for so they treated the prophets before you.” (Mt 5:10-12 and Lk 6:22-23) Terry has been slandered repeatedly because of his work, such as the falsehoods on Wikipedia, which he has unsuccessfully sought to remove. So…he must rejoice!

His latest books, Divine Correction: How God Gets a Nations Attention was released in 2023; Is it HE? Or is it SHE? was released in 2024. He/She is a children’s book combatting the “transgender” lies and assaults. He is working on a documentary of the Rescue Movement entitled DRAGON SLAYERS: The Operation Rescue Story.

Mr. Terry ran for US President in the democratic primary against Mr. Obama in 2012 and beat him in 12 counties in Oklahoma. Randall also ran for US Congress in 1998.

Mr. Terry was born on April 25th, 1959, and is the father of 7 children. He currently resides in Tennessee with his wife and four teenage sons.

Our Vice Presidential Candidate

Stephen E. Broden / Founder and Senior Pastor, Fair Park Bible Fellowship

Personal Information: Founder and Senior Pastor of Fair Park Bible Fellowship for over 35 years (a non-denominational inner-city church) in Dallas, Texas

A resident of the Dallas area for over 43 years.

Married to Donna Broden; 2 daughters; 1 son

Education: Masters in Communication, University of Michigan

Masters in Bible, Dallas Theological Seminary

Community Leader: Advocate in the Fair Park and South Dallas areas for economic opportunity,

quality education, and respect for life.

A frequent speaker at Tea Party Rallies advocating a return to Constitutional

principles in government and a respect for the Judeo-Christian values

underlying the founding of our nation.

President of the Fair Park Friendship Center, a community-centered gathering

place for groups such as the Boy Scouts and the Girl’s Club, and a community resource center offering hands-on assistance to surrounding area families.

President of the African American Alumni Association Executive Committee

A founder of Ebony Berean, an organization with a mission to inform

African-American Pastors of the “Culture Wars”.

Pro-Life Leader: Leader in the Black Pro-life Movement.

                                    Founder of the National Black Pro-life Coalition

Received the Pro-Life Recognition Award from the National Pro-Life Religious

Council for continuous leadership in the cause of life on January 24, 2011.

Business Background: Career in business before entering the ministry in corporate jobs as well as

entrepreneur and small business owner.

Ten years at Atlantic-Richfield Company in the Human Resources department.

Owner of several self-serve car wash facilities.

Worked as a newscaster and radio broadcaster.

Host of multiple radio programs and substantial work in broadcasting.

Worked as co-host on a radio talk show on KSKY, 660 AM, Life and

Liberty, and as a radio broadcaster of One-Minute “Thought of the Day”

commentaries on that station.

Served as an Adjunct Professor at Dallas Baptist University from 1990-1992.

Republican: A consistent conservative and Republican for over 35 years:

Received a Ronald Reagan Gold Medal Award in 2005 “in recognition of support

for President Bush and the Republican Party” Named “Champion of the Republican Party” by the NRCC Business Advisory Council.  Received Congressional Medals of Distinction in both 2007 and 2008 “in recognition of outstanding meritorious service” from the NRCC.  Donor and strong supporter of Mike Huckabee for President in the 2008 Republican Primary.

Served as Senate Republican Executive Committee from District 23

Beliefs: Faith: I firmly believe that our nation was founded on Judeo-Christian

Principles and these principles are the bedrock of our success as a nation and

as a people.

Family: Our nation’s future is only as good as the health of the family — as the

The family goes, and so goes the nation.

Country: America has been a global leader for all freedom-loving people.

Our liberties and form of government are a model for all who strive for freedom.

Our Declaration of Independence and our Constitution are among our most

precious national treasures, and the ideas they embody must be honored.  I am Pro-Life, Pro-Family, Pro-Liberty, Pro-2nd Amendment, and Pro-Free Enterprise.

Congressional Race: Ran for U.S. Congress in the Texas 30th Congressional District in 2010.

Ran for public office because of a deep concern over the direction our country is taking – away from the conservative Constitutional principles which

made this nation great, and rapidly toward Western European socialism – which

will make us weaker, less prosperous, less safe, and less free.

As a congressional candidate, received endorsements from:

Ken Blackwell, Prominent Republican and Conservative Writer

Roger Williams, U.S. Senate candidate, Former Texas Secretary of State

Pete Sessions, U.S. Congressman, Texas District 32

Jeb Hensarling, U.S. Congressman, Texas District 5

Sam Johnson, U.S. Congressman, Texas District 3

Michael Burgess, U.S. Congressman, Texas District 26

Trent Franks, U.S. Congressman, Arizona District 2

Dick Morris, National Political Strategist, Fox News Contributor

Sarah Palin, 2008 Republican Vice Presidential Candidate

Scott O’Grady, former Air Force Pilot

National Exposure: A guest speaker for conservative causes:

The Glenn Beck Show

The Huckabee Show

Fox and Friends

James Robison’s Life Today

Numerous radio interviews

Speaker at numerous Tea Party events

Speaker at 9/12 event in Washington D.C.